Wednesday, April 30, 2014


October Raspberries,  photograph.                                         © Ruth Zachary

Yeast and fungal infections can affect many parts of the body; the vagina, the bowels, the skin, and in other parts of the body. Three of every four women will have at least one yeast infection before menopause, according to Robert A Schulman, MD, in his comprehensive book, Solve It With Supplements. (Rodale Books)

We have known for a long time, too much sugar causes diabetes.. My grandmother found a diet for my grandfather that removed his diabetic symptoms, over 100 years ago. Other conditions are slow to be connected to carbohydrates. The link between sugar and yeast infections is rarely mentioned, and is not mentioned in Schulman’s book.

Dr. Oz recently did discuss this link on his daily program. Yeast thrives on sugar and carbohydrates in the diet. A high glycemic diet is known to cause inflammation. Yeast infections often cause inflammation. Yeast and Inflammation may or may not be linked to each other.

Antibiotics given for a yeast infection, can cause it to virtually explode in one’s system. Antibiotics can destroy the natural flora in the digestive tract,  that counteracts yeast.

Schulman, explains vaginal fungi, Candida albicans can cause outbreaks, when there are hormonal changes in the body. Usually a sexual partner is not responsible for a recurrent yeast infection. He says to avoid bubble baths, wear clean cotton underwear and to avoid tight fitting clothing.

Precautions include taking Lactobacillus acidophilus, in the diet – (8 oz. of yogurt)or as a supplement, or taking boron, garlic (with anti fungal properties), Lavender, or tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a proven germicide, and will inhibit 11 different bacteria, according to Schulman. See his book for details.

Yeast in the system may be a secondary, sometime problem, but it may also be a major malady on its own. A person can be allergic to yeast, even as it multiplies in different parts of the body. A blood test can reveal a yeast allergy or sensitivity.

Yeast infections in the body may go away on their own. Even if we try to avoid starchy or sweet foods, it is hard to realize the full extent of sugar and carbs we are consuming every day. Even if we look at the ingredients on canned goods, boxes, cereals, and condiments, the chemical names are a mystery, hard to identify by only looking at the names, which are unfamiliar. Processed foods are filled with high glycemic ingredients and various kinds of sweeteners and sugars, starches, flour, (as well as gluten which has other impacts).

If you have an autoimmune disease, and inflammation is part of your problem, it is critical to know how to avoid these ingredients in your diet.

The food industry is invested in selling these products. They tell you sugars, grains and starches are staples and are healthy. In regulated amounts this is probably true, but the volume of such products consumed in this country is not healthy. In addition, the amount of exercise we don’t do contributes to obesity and diabetes. Physical labor is not part of a person’s life style and occupation, to the degree that it was 100 years ago.

How to reverse yeast in the system? Learn to identify and avoid the sugars and carbohydrates that contribute. Some people think fruits and berries, a source of natural sugars must also be withdrawn from the diet. I am still researching that subject.

Another thing that will probably help is to take a probiotic, containing the natural living cultures to restore your intestinal health, and which will put the various cultures that live in the gut, including yeast into balance. Natural immunity to disease is dependent upon a healthy intestinal tract. 90% of a healthy immune system depends upon the intestines.

Next time: Lists of sugars, starches, high glycemic foods and additives.

Images and Writing are the Copy right © of Ruth Zachary